Tuesday, 22 November 2016


27 Of The Strangest, Most Disturbing Things Ever Found On Craigslist

No matter if you're searching for a good deal on used furniture, trying to find a missed connection, or just need to feel better about yourself, Craigslist is the place for you. The site provides a few measures to weed out spam, schemes, and other content that shouldn't be on the site, but they don't catch everything. Sometimes, really...interesting...posts and ads fall through the cracks.Here are 27 weird, disturbing Craigslist finds and ads from around the world that really have me questioning people's sanity. 1. Who has something like this just lying around their house? Reddit / DJ_SOULCIAL 2. Grape...

from ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2gG7Joo


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